Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Do many of you wear hats for sun protection or are they difficult to handle with the stiff breezes? I kinda want to bring a wide brimed hat but I%26#39;m afraid I will be chasing it all over the Island. Are baseball caps better?



IMO a hat is a necessity. Baseball is more likely to stay on your head but does not protect your ears and neck very well.

Rather than packing and crushing, or carrying on, One of our Maui rituals is buying soon after arriving. Wide Brim straw, with loose leather strap for wind protection. There%26#39;s a great hat store on Front Street in Lahaina - I think it%26#39;s ';Lahaina Hat Company'; - not too expensive either.


Thanks Miney, that Really helps me out. My hair is not getting any thicker up top so I do need protection on the dome also. My hat does have a chin cinch but will take up alot of space without crushing it. Look like it%26#39;s best to buy on Island. Thanks again.


Hats are an absolute must.

If you really want get with the Aloha Spirit, take a look at the Hawaiian style buckets at:

Try Long%26#39;s %26amp; ABC Store also. They have an expensive selection of hats as well.

sorry , meant to write ';inexpensive'; selection.

Thanks for your posts


  • deny a home rental applicat
  • Maui here we come

    We are off to church to sing tonight and then to Maui tomorrow morning. Thanks to all who post their trips and give so many helpful hints. I have enjoyed reading them all. I am a TA addict. Hope all goes well with our travels and I will post a trip report when we return.


    Maui here we come

    Have a safe and magical trip. I%26#39;ll look foward to your report when you return.


    Maui here we come

    Have a fantastic trip!! :) Let us know when you return.

    Poipu Beach to Hanalei Bay

    Does anyone know how long the drive is from Poipu Beach area to Hanalei Bay?

    Poipu Beach to Hanalei Bay

    It depends on the time of day and traffic, but it%26#39;s usually around 45 minutes to 1 hour.

    Poipu Beach to Hanalei Bay

    Gotta be closer to an hour. It%26#39;s 30-35 minutes just from Poipu up to Kapa%26#39;a, IME.

    I agree with pzp; allow an hour. Particularly if there is a bit of traffic through Lihue and Kapa%26#39;a.

    Does anyone know if they%26#39;ve repaired and re-opened Both lanes of the flood damaged stretch of Hwy. near the Lighthouse? Plan on a delay there also, if only one lane is useable.

    The road is back to two lanes...

    Loved our vacation there.

    Lahaina Shores Beach Resort is the place to stay in Lahaina. Do try to get an ocean front room.

    The condos are roomy and private, and you can%26#39;t beat the view. We watched a storm come in one night--it was outrageously beautiful.

    Not only close but also great exercise to walk to the near-by attractions. Great places to eat, drink and be merry.

    Five stars.

    Carol Hannon

    Loved our vacation there.

    Carol, did you write a Trip Report yet? If not, give us the whole scoop.

    Auto Rental- Let's Compare!

    Hi everybody! Me lookin to get the best auto rental possible. My trip is planned for arrival in Maui on October 30th and we plan on doing lots of touring. Help me out. So far, the best weekly rates I have been offered look like this for a convertible (yes, we may be splurging, but I got time to change my mind!):


    avis- 389.99;

    budget- 379.99;

    dollar- 337.24;

    hertz- 374.99;

    national- 299.45

    These were offerd by

    Any other convertible renters out there I%26#39;d love to hear about your experiences. Seems like only 2 models are available, the Chrysler Sebring and the Ford Mustang, which is more expensive but has more trunk space, which is a big feature to consider for us, since we shop till we drop!


    PS- we cancelled our reservations at the Sheraton Maui to go for the convertible. Decided we just would enjoy being on the road touring more than being at the resort touristing. The $390/nite before tax and fees rate we saved will buy a lotta gas! It had better stop raining by October!

    Auto Rental- Let's Compare!

    OK, My Rental car is part of a pakage and all the Docs are at home so I can%26#39;t give you and exact price till later.

    If I%26#39;m reading this right, Are you gonna sleep in the convertible or you just canceled a room an the Sheraton for a less expensive room?


    Auto Rental- Let's Compare!

    I just booked our rental car in Maui for our trip at the end of this month through Priceline..Car was $20/day or $137 total for 5 days, including taxes. This is for a full size car. They did offer me a convertible for $30/day but we declined it (Need the space of a 4 door car for 2 couples). I found considerably higher rental car prices when I looked at individual car rental websites and also contacted several discount rental car agencies in Maui.

    As for our hotel room, booked it through and again, had fantastic luck. We were able to get a room at Sheraton Maui for $180/night.

    We didn%26#39;t rent a convertable, but Thrifty had pretty good rates, and I compared alot of companies. I don%26#39;t think they had the Mustang convertables though.

    We are renting through the attached website. We got a jeep through Thrifty and are paying less in price if you book off the companies%26#39; website!

    we went thru costco and have a convertible @ 30 per day including tax and w/ no fee for extra driver. there have been a LOT of negative posts about Alamo, therefore we also have a reservation w/ hertz in case we%26#39;re not happy w/ the vehicle. (filth cockroaches, smell.) : O

    Just reserved through Priceline for our trip to Maui in June. $26/day for fullsize car. Cancelled reservation made last week with same rental company (National Car), saving $65. Yippee!

    Hi everybody and thanks for your comments.

    RocHed11- LOL! We do not- yet- plan on sleeping in the car. We are now shopping less expensive alternatives (i.e cheap sleep)!

    oclife- $30.00 a day is much better than what I have been ofered so far! Thanks for sharing that! must have grabbed some excess inventory at the price you noted for the Sheraton Maui ($180.00/night). Best buy I have seen by far. So maybe it pays to wait until the end of the month to book! Hope you will post back with your report and tell us all about it. You just might have the pool house out back or a cabana! LOL!

    CridT- thanks for the tip about Thrifty! I will definitely check them out!

    HuskerCat- thanks very much for providing that web site. Most helpful!

    mich711- beware of cockroaches at all times! I have rented with Alamo many times previously but appreciate the heads up. BTW- where do you look for them?

    I%26#39;ll keep posting rates as my departure dates grow near. Hope all convertible renters post with their tales of top down adventure.


    Renting Surfboard

    I know you can rent surfboards on Waikiki beach but if you want to rent one for a week where is the best place to rent?

    Renting Surfboard

    Try Planet Surf on Kapahulu - they have used boards %26amp; a friend rented a good one from them, but I don%26#39;t know if they still do it.

    Renting Surfboard

    Is Planet Surf in Waikiki? Any other recommendations of board rental shops within Waikiki? Hopefully within walking distance from the Duke-statue-area surf breaks, while carrying a heavy longboard. I%26#39;ll be visiting in June, and definately want to hit those wonderful Waikiki waves!

    There are various beach activity concessionaires along the central Waikiki beachfront hotels and/or public beach accessways that could rent you a board. Its typically by the hour or for the day and is overpriced.

    If you want a nice board for up to a week, check-out Hawaii Surfboard Rentals (imaginative name, huh). They will deliver the board to your hotel and pick it up when you leave....all for about $100 per week.

    See their website for info:鈥?/a>

    Best rental boards and best deal in town.

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  • weather update, please!

    For anyone who is in Maui or just returning, what is the story with the rain? It still says rain/thunderstorms for all of next week. anyone have any new updated info

    weather update, please!

    any feedback on the weather today? rain or sunshine?

    I appreciate any news. leaving in 3 days

    weather update, please!

    I sweating it too. We leave on the 29th. I talked with someone last night at a party who got back last week. Said that showed rain everyday they were there. But when they got there it was beautiful the whole time. I am so stressed about the weather, its taking some of the fun away.

    Hey guys, I too was kinda nervous about the weather untill i went to I suggest you poke arround there and your fears will be lifted.

    Have a great trip and remember Maui is known for it%26#39;s many Rainbows and for there to be rainbows there has to be both Rain and Sun


    Yes this is true, there must be rain to have rainbows. Either way its Maui, CMON! there is no worries of a great time!

    Just got back 2 days ago. The and both showed rain everyday with like 60% chances. I was disappointed until we arrived to blue skies and sunshine. We had a very slight MIST twice the whole week (one on the road to Hana). Their news casts said that the weather would be back to normal for this week.

    Thanks so much for that last post. is such a downer. Shows 50% chance of rain daily and Most cloudy everyday. Crap I%26#39;ve got that here!!

    I am going on the 25th and have also been very nervous. Someone I work with was there this past week and said the weather was beautiful. No problems! I think I am swearing off because everytime I would look I would be so depressed. Last time we were there it would rain for 10 minutes and go away. The rain was more like a refreshing mist. It was perfect. Hope everyone has a good time on their trip! For those who have never been, you will fall in love with the islands!

    I am going on the 25th and have also been very nervous. Someone I work with was there this past week and said the weather was beautiful. No problems! I think I am swearing off because everytime I would look I would be so depressed. Last time we were there it would rain for 10 minutes and go away. The rain was more like a refreshing mist. It was perfect. Hope everyone has a good time on their trip! For those who have never been, you will fall in love with the islands!